Studio Design and Implementation
Start with three square rooms - modify the shape of the space, add materials for absorption and diffusion, develop a strategy that enables use of the space for education, equip the facility with high resolution recording equipment within a specific budget, and then execute the design by implementing the plan. When we were done we enjoyed the capacity to record up to 48 tracks at one pass, directly to Pro Tools HD on a Macintosh and the pure sonic enjoyment of 5.1 surround mixing using Genelec 1032A monitors. Then, just to make it all complete, have the opportunity to produce a jazz recording with full strings and a big band horn section - now that is a treat for the ears!
Tulsa Community College Recording Studio Pro Tools HD, Macintosh, and Genelec are trademarked names of Digidesign, Apple, & Genelec... brands we are proud to represent!
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